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Formalist approach of literary criticism

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Intrinsie lpproach THE FORMALIST >Deals with the literary workinitself Rests on the belief that literature is best understood in its own terms, without connecting it to things APPROACH outside itself formalism Formalism A Freais cäch work as a distinct piece, e irem its environment, era, and t keys i G t a i d i g a work exist within tself formalist critic proceeds looking into: a. the persona b. the addressee c. the situation d. what the persona says e. the central metaphor f. the central irony g. the multiple meanings of words formalism To the formalist critic, all that one has to do is to pay attention to the textand nothing else. The formalist approach is also called New Criticism and American New Criticism. The term "formalist criticism" is herein used symonymously with American New Criticism, or simply New Criticism and not concerned with Russian Formalism. Propongnts of Ngw Griticism OUR OBJECTIVES To explain the meaning ofform in literary >John Crowe Ransom Allen Tate studies and in formalist criticism T o explaBn the formalist concept of organicform Cleanth Brooks Robert Penn Warren To clarify the formalists' attitude toward extrinsic matters such as ethical concerns and historical accounts To analyze poems using the formalist >IA. Richards William Empson approach T.S. Eliot form The formalist critic would say that in the analysis of literary works FORM AND CONTENT form is all that matters. >Generally used as a synonyn for ...
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