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Answer case study arctic mining consultants ltd 22 12 2020

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Tom Parker, an industrious and outdoor activity inclined individual can be said to be a
jack of all trade due to his vast experience in delivering services that are known to be
heavy duty. These services, very energy consuming may not seem to be too demanding
for a man in his early forty’s, precisely 43. He works with a mining company, Arctic Mining
Consultants, where he specializes in the less technical areas of mining and exploration
activities. His role, similar to that of a human resources manager requires him to acquire
technical talents, skill them with training and keeping a close watch on the activities of
the field staff across all projects and programs been managed and executed by his
In Arctic, there is a clear gap in the remuneration packages of staff across various roles.
With field assistants earning a take home which seems insufficient regardless of the
amount of time and work they commit. The buffer in their benefits is Arctic’s intervention
in feeding and housing them.
Parker, amongst the diverse roles he plays at Arctic also requires him to occasionally
function as a project manager where he selects his team and moves to the field to execute
projects. Parker is to manage a new project which involves staking claims, he selects a
team of four, including himself to deliver the project. His other team members, Talbot,
Boyce and Millar are not rookies and have also worked with Parker in the past on a claim
staking job in Eagle Lake, British Columbia.

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This time, the staking claim field job seems to be more demanding than what the team
had done together previously, as each member will have to stake a minimum of seven and
a half lengths per day, if they must complete the task as planned. On the first day at Eagle
Lake, the team came worked together to prepare temporary tents and took quality time
to plan their ordeal. They had drawn out how, when and who does what, all being
optimistic of a smooth field job. The job had an extra $300 as bonus for each team member
if they delivered the job on time. This should motivate the team enough in working
together to deliver their job.
The next day, second day, the team set out to the field to deliver their quota of the task
but unfortunately, two team members, Millar and Boyce couldn’t. Parker, being the
project leader was hopeful they would ensure delivery the next day. On day three, Miller
was two lengths short of his target while Boyce was three and a half short. Problem
started when Parker fumed and yelled at the two team members, what must have
contributed to his anger was the fact that they didn’t deliver the previous day and he was
hopeful they will make it up on the third day. The project day advanced but Miller and
Boyce weren’t delivering on their daily targets. Parker became angrier and distanced
himself from them. As the team leader, Parker cared less about knowing why Miller and
Boyce were lagging behind. He was only concerned about getting the job done by all
On the fourth day, Miller was very close to his target and had only half a length to achieve
it, an improvement of one and a half-length from the previous day while Boyce improved
two lengths better than the previous day. Here, Parker snubbed the significant
improvement made by both team members while Talbot had either reached his target or
surpassed it marginally. On day five, only Talbot and Parker reached their target while on

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CASE STUDY ARCTIC MINING CONSULTANTS LIMITED Introduction Tom Parker, an industrious and outdoor activity inclined individual can be said to be a jack of all trade due to his vast experience in delivering services that are known to be heavy duty. These services, very energy consuming may not seem to be too demanding for a man in his early forty’s, precisely 43. He works with a mining company, Arctic Mining Consultants, where he specializes in the less technical areas of mining and exploration activities. His role, similar to that of a human resources manager requires him to acquire technical talents, skill them with training and keeping a close watch on the activities of the field staff across all projects and programs been managed and executed by his company. In Arctic, there is a clear gap in the remuneration packages of staff across various roles. With field assistants earning a take home which seems insufficient regardless of the amount of time and work they commit. The buffer in their benefits is Arctic’s intervention in feeding and housing them. Parker, amongst the diverse roles he plays at Arctic also requires him to occasionally function as a project manager where he se ...
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