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ST Thomas University
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Literature Review
Student’s Name
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Professor’s Name

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A literature review is research about the available literature in each field. It provides a
deeper understanding of the field one intends to integrate with presenting the information in a
written document. Conducting a literature review helps in building more knowledge in the field
of study. A literature review will allow nurse practitioners to get high-quality medical education,
maximizing the relevance and impact they bring to people. It helps maximize professional
standards and avoids duplication of research.
Importance of Literature Review
For a family nurse practitioner, research would aim at understanding the family's health
background in terms of allergies, chronic diseases, disease history of every member, monitoring
and procedural activities, assessing and how best they can improve patient's health care
(Kleinpell, Grabenkort, Kapu, Constantine, & Sicoutris, 2019). It will help the nurse practitioner
improve patient's clinical outcome by reducing patient complications and ill health and reducing
the chances of mortality rates. A literature review helps the family reduce hospital visits,
intensive care unit length of stay, demonstrating positive financial outcomes.
For a family nurse practitioner, a literature review will help them consider uncertainties
and emergencies in the family by comparing research with other researchers to understand what
to do in emergency cases (Kleinpell et al., 2019). Some homes have older people who will have a
hard time getting into health care centers. In such cases, a family nurse practitioner will
minimize the strain of going to the hospital. Also, getting medical services directly from the
researcher improves the patients' health care more, especially those with chronic diseases.

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1 Literature Review Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Professor’s Name Course Date 2 Introduction A literature review is research about the available literature in each field. It provides a deeper understanding of the field one intends to integrate with presenting the information in a written document. Conducting a literature review helps in building more knowledge in the field of study. A literature review will allow nurse practitioners to get high-quality medical education, maximizing the relevance and impact they bring to people. It helps maximize professional standards and avoids duplication of research. Importance of Literature Review For a family nurse practitioner, research would aim at understanding the family's health background in terms of allergies, chronic diseases, disease history of every member, monitoring and procedural activities, assessing and how best they can improve patient's health care (Kleinpell, Grabenkort, Kapu, Constantine, & Sicoutris, 2019). It will help the nurse practitioner improve patient's clinical outcome by reducing patient complications and ill health and reducing the chances of mortality rates. A literature review helps the family reduce hospital visits, intensive care unit length of stay, demonstrating positive financial outcomes. For a family nurse practitioner, a literature review will help them consider uncertainties and emergencies in the family by comparing research with other researchers to understand what to do in e ...
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