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Before The Flood. Editedn

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Wilkes University
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Before The Flood

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Before the Flood Movie & Laudato Si Reflection sheet
1.) Briefly describe your view on climate change. Is it real? Is it caused by human
activity? Be honest!
Climate change is real and is caused by human activities. Shifts in weather patterns
globally are a clear indication that climate change is already here with us and is
negatively impacting the ecosystem. Man’s need to survive in the technological era has
led to advancements that bring more harm than good to the climate. Although these
technological advances are meant to supplement our needs and help in running of our day
to day life, emissions produced are toxic to the environment. To be able to acquire fossil
fuels to propel the economy, the world is slowly becoming a desert and a hot zone wiping
out existence of both man and animal
2.) Briefly describe the key pieces of evidence presented in the movie, supporting the
climate change argument.
Rising of the seal level as ice melts is also key evidence supporting global warming.
Decreased snow coverage, ocean acidification, reduced ice sheets are evidences provided
in the film that show global warming is here with us.
3.) Have any of your ideas involving global warming changed because of this film?
Explain why or why not and use examples from the movie!
My idea of global warming has not been changed by this movie. Instead, the film has
brought so much clarity to me concerning the reality of global warming. It is a bitter truth
that we are responsible for destroying our planet and something needs to be done sooner

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Running head: BEFORE THE FLOOD 1 Before The Flood Name Tutor Course Date BEFORE THE FLOOD 2 Before the Flood Movie & Laudato Si Reflection sheet 1.) Briefly describe your view on climate change. Is it real? Is it caused by human activity? Be honest! Climate change is real and is caused by human activities. Shifts in weather patterns globally are a clear indication that climate change is already here with us and is negatively impacting the ecosystem. Man’s need to survive in the technological era has led to advancements that bring more harm than good to the climate. Although these technological advances are meant to supplement our needs and help in running of our day to day life, emissions produced are toxic to the environment. To be able to acquire fossil fuels to propel the economy, the world is slowly becoming a desert and a hot zone wiping out existence of both man and animal 2.) Briefly describe the key pieces of evidence presented in the movie, supporting the climate change argument. Rising of the seal level as ice melts is also key evidence supporting global warming. Decreased snow coverage, ocean acidification, reduced ice sheets are evidences provided in the film that show global warming is here with us. 3.) Have any of your ideas involving global warming changed because of this film? Explain why or why not and use examples from the movie! My idea of global warming has not been changed by this movie. Instead, the film has brought so much clarity to me concern ...
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