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9 1 Discussion

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Computer Science
Southern New Hampshire University
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9-1 Discussion: Web-Based Database
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9-1 Discussion: Web-Based Database
The web-based database management system that I chose is the Amazon Web Services
(AWS) and, to be specific, the Amazon DynamoDB. The AWS offers two major database systems,
namely the Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon-RDS) and the Amazon DynamoDB.
The Amazon-RDS runs on either of the three database systems and languages exempted on this
discussion: SQL Server, Oracle, or MySQL. In contrast, Amazon DynamoDB runs on a NoSQL
database. The Amazon DynamoDB is a solid-state drive (SSD) capable of duplicating documents
and workloads across three distinguished availability zones (Swedha & Dubey, 2018). Also,
Amazon DynamoDB is capable of delivering single-digit millisecond performances at any internet
applications scale. It can handle over ten trillion requests in a single day and support over twenty
million peaks of requests per second. Finally, DynamoDB is a fully controlled, multi-active, multi-
region database system with inbuilt backup & restore options, security, and in-memory caching
for all internet-scale applications (Amazon, 2021).
The Amazon DynamoDB differs from the systems used in Lab exercises and the final
project in that it is a NoSQL cloud database system. Also, it is a key-value and document database
that can deliver a single-digit performance at any given web and cloud application scale. The
Amazon DynamoDB has three significant benefits to an organization deploying it, as listed below.
1. Performance at any scale it supports some of the most extensive scale applications by
providing single-digit and consistent millisecond response at any given scale.
2. There is no server management the DynamoDB system does not require servers to
operate (it is serverless), thus no cost for managing servers.
3. The system is enterprise-ready it supports the ACID principle (transactions); thus, users
build essential business applications at any scale.

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1 9-1 Discussion: Web-Based Database Student’s Name University Affiliation Course Code Instructor’s Name Date Submitted 2 9-1 Discussion: Web-Based Database The web-based database management system that I chose is the Amazon Web Services (AWS) and, to be specific, the Amazon DynamoDB. The AWS offers two major database systems, namely the Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon-RDS) and the Amazon DynamoDB. The Amazon-RDS runs on either of the three database systems and languages exempted on this discussion: SQL Server, Oracle, or MySQL. In contrast, Amazon DynamoDB runs on a NoSQL database. The Amazon DynamoDB is a solid-state drive (SSD) capable of duplicating documents and workloads across three distinguished availability zones (Swedha & Dubey, 2018). Also, Amazon DynamoDB is capable of delivering single-digit millisecond performances at any internet applications scale. It can handle over ten trillion requests in a single day and support over twenty million peaks of requests per second. Finally, DynamoDB is a fully controlled, multi-active, multiregion database system with inbuilt backup & restore options, security, and in-memory caching for all internet-scale applicati ...
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