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Mgt 421 test bank midterm final

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MGT 421 Communication Management Chapters 1-2-3-4-5-6-8-9-10 Multiple Choice Questions Chapter 1 d 1. A work station, even one based only on a laptop computer, usually includes a. b. c. d. word processing capability. communication links. data base access. all of the above. c 2. In the years ahead, most business people will process more words per day (by reading, writing, and speaking) because they enjoy such activity. they have requested more information. new communication technologies have more word production and transfer easier and faster d. none of the above. a. b. c. d. d 3. The transmission of a single page across town by FAX probably will cost the owner of the FAX machine about a. b. c. d. $20. $10. $5. less than $1. a 4. For effective listening, you must a. think about what you have heard even while new information is coming in. b. complete your thinking about what you have heard before attending to new information. c. postpone thinking about what you have heard until the speaker has finished speaking. d. d. none of the above. b 5. Effective business writing through the decades has been a. unchanging. b. changing. c. changing in vocabulary only. d. changing in format only. a 6. Effective listeners must try to overcome barriers to communication such as a. b. c. d. d not liking the speaker. the speaker's nonverbal gestures. the speaker's pauses. all of the above. 7 . The communication revolution affects a. people with access to the relevant hardware, ...
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