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Computer Science
West Los Angeles College
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The Everglades is a huge national park in Florida that
covers a major part of the state’s southernmost region.
The Everglades is a unique ecosystem that supports a
diverse range of species. There are numerous predators,
animal rivalry, mutualism, and commensalism in this
environment. This is a component of the Everglades
because these elements contribute to creating a healthy
and sustainable environment in which different living forms may exist, develop, and reproduce
(Sisto, 2012). It is known not just for its marshy habitats but also for the diversity of animal
species. The dominant species that dominate the vast and swampy Everglades, on the other hand,
is a reptile from the Reptilian family. The American alligator, the king of the swamp, is an
example of this.

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Text Wrapping The Everglades is a huge national park in Florida that covers a major part of the state’s southernmost region. The Everglades is a unique ecosystem that supports a diverse range of species. There are numerous predators, animal rivalry, mutualism, and commensalism in this environment. This is a component of the Everglades because these elements contribute to creating a healthy and sustainable environment in which different living forms may exist, develop, and reproduce (Sisto, 2012). It is known not just for its marshy habitats but also for the diversity of animal species. The d ...
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