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Role of tribes in the construction of identity 1

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univesity of berlin
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One of the most important aspects of a person's identity is their sense of belonging. People,
therefore, need to be a member of a larger group even while they yearn for autonomy. The
involvement opportunity in question enables people to exchange knowledge and information while
also assessing their social standing in comparison to others and boosting their self-esteem in the
process. People adhere to the idea of communities in their social lives because they require
approval within the framework of a social structure and conformity to group norms and customs
in order to assure participation in important rituals.
The need to conform to the norms established within a particular tribe is also connected to a
number of crucial ideas on people's propensity to imitate the norm. When a tribal member or
someone from the outside fails to live up to particular standards, they try to fit in with the group.
They could try to master the art of passing as a result. The idea put out proposes the capacity for
imitating particular traits of the tribe in question and abiding by its norms and beliefs so that a
person could be perceived as a member of the group even without actually being one.
Regarding tribalism and the capacity to successfully assimilate into a particular community, the
idea of giving out should be addressed. It is one of the fundamental principles connected to both.
Selling out often refers to the idea that a group of individuals who have been marginalized within
a larger community give up some of their distinctive characteristics in order to be more fully
embraced by the community in question. The idea of "selling out" is typically viewed negatively
since it connotes renouncing a component of one's personal identity in favor of observing social
conventions. For instance, when imposed by the dominant society, the need to fit in and adhere to
the rules frequently indicates racism and implies that one must conceal one's cultural and racial
identity as well as its distinctive characteristics in order to succeed in society.
Selling out in the perspective of tribalism could be interpreted as attempts to conceal one's ethnic
heritage by pretending to be white in order to escape racism. People who choose to give in to a
racist society's demands rather than put up with daily racism and segregation are severely harmed
by the described change. The attempts to conform to the status quo, nevertheless, seem to be
counterproductive. Instead, it must be considered a healthy alternative to embrace the idea of
multiculturalism and encourage the extension of the norm.
Sine tribes foster a sense of community by highlighting the significance of social hierarchy and
the value of abiding by established traditions. As a result, they play a crucial role in creating a
sense of ethnicity based on particular cultural knowledge and requirements. As a result, an
overemphasis on tribalism is likely to result in cases of discrimination against people who don't
meet the standards set forth, particularly if those standards involve certain physical characteristics,
like skin tone or the presence of characteristics that are classified as masculine or feminine. One
can support the growth of inclusivity within the global society by challenging the established

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ROLE OF TRIBES IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF IDENTITY One of the most important aspects of a person's identity is their sense of belonging. People, therefore, need to be a member of a larger group even while they yearn for autonomy. The involvement opportunity in question enables people to exchange knowled ...
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