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Reverse Supply Chains and Program Enhancements Essay

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Suppose that the CEO has decided to integrate the forward and reverse supply chains. What are
some of the changes that he should make to accomplish this goal?
For a new value chain offer to be promoted to the consumers. The CEO should introduce
program enhancements in which the customers are allowed to counterbalance the portion of their
tooling alongside their return payments. Also, the resellers should be closely incorporated in the
whole process for the integration to be realized. To lower the shipping cost, the company needs
to increase the size of boxes given to the customers to send back their inserts. The company
should integrate their payment accounts into the electronic routines to avoid writing of checks.
Organizations should be read to drastically respond to problems, as well as eliminate the supply
chain non-adjusting material so that a suitable supply chain can be engaged again in the market.
It is feasible to lower the possible cost of transportation of the given back materials by taking
tenure when supplying newly-produced goods to the same client. In this scenario, it is
appropriate to sketch transport to enable the delivery of the newly manufactured products with an
assembly of used products and materials to recover. In this case, the occurrence between reverse
and forward materials is plausible (Celik 18). Furthermore, the embodiment of reverse logistics
in the existing supply chain means gains to the production company, both with concern to
quality, through improving the assistance of customers and the delivery of the products as well as
a collection with consideration to quantity.

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What missing information would you like to have been given to be able to better answer the
previous questions?
With strong culture existing in Sandvik Company, what criteria were used to decouple
the reverse from the forward supply chain? The point here is, the sales team was not for the idea
of the reverse supply chain. How did the management persuade them, this information is not
disclosed therefore; it is difficult to connect the dots. Does it mean the protesting community was
dislodged from their responsibility, leading to the appointment of a new workgroup to set goals
for the recycled products, organize promotion and market communication? Or the number of
employees was increased. It will be speculative to give the profit margin increase in the reverse
supply because we are not exposed to the competence level of the competitors. Despite Sandvik
being the number one world recycling company, the distribution of the competitors recycling
companies at the regional level and the customers’ loyalty rate to Sandvik is not given in reality.
The forward supply chain which is still under Sandvik Company continues to disseminate
products into the market. Does it correspond with the current policy of CRC? It is difficult to
explain this. If the company integrates both reverse and forward supply chain then it will be
contradicting the policies of non-environmental protection. If the Sandvik is engaged with
recycling the competitor’s products, does it mean its products in the market are not enough to
sustain its processing firm? Or the competitor’s products are cheap to process compared to its
originally produced products. If the forward supply chain is still in operation then it means its
aspect of being green is questionable. The integration will involve using both chemical and zinc
processing which will impact negatively the environment which CRC aims to zero rates. The
profit margin is hard to estimate of the recycled products because the consumption rate of the
consumers is not yet determined since it is a new venture

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Surname 1 Students Name Professor Course Date Suppose that the CEO has decided to integrate the forward and reverse supply chains. What are some of the changes that he should make to accomplish this goal? For a new value chain offer to be promoted to the consumers. The CEO should introduce program enhancements in which the customers are allowed to counterbalance the portion of their tooling alongside their return payments. Also, the resellers should be closely incorporated in the whole process for the integration to be realized. To lower the shipping cost, the company needs to increase the size of boxes given to the customers to send back their inserts. The company should integrate their payment accounts into the electronic routines to avoid writing of checks. Organizations should be read to drastically respond to problems, as well as eliminate the supply chain non-adjusting material ...
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