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Designer Children Could Interfere With The Will Of God

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Wilkes University
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Designer children refer to the scientific concept where scientists give desired traits to
babies through genetic engineering. Over the recent past, this concept became a habitual
discussion as debates sparked on the ethics surrounding the subject. Individuals question the
ethical consideration of the engineering process and its prospects. Later on, the rapid
advancement of technology in the twenty-first century makes designing children a real
possibility. In the Bible, God created humans in his likeness and image. It points that God was
happy with His creations (Wadell, 117). However, as humans go through dynamic evolution and
shift from time to time, modern biologists take up genome editing to design humans. The
contemporary world presents advanced technology where scientists can edit these genomes of
human cells to cure genetic diseases. These alterations in human cells and embryos shape the
growth and development of an individual. The controversial technology involving genetic
engineering raises varied views from a Christian point of view. Teachings of the Bible denote
that the essence of life and human dignity are crucial in procreation. Christians acknowledge the

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presence of God in the procreation of humans. Principles of Christianity indicate that designer
babies could interfere with God’s will and human dignity. Children come as gifts from God, and
attempt to design them could unintentionally change His purpose for them.
Background of Designer Babies
Modern science made it possible for a new method of genetic enhancement and
modification in designing babies through in vitro fertilization (IVF) and preimplantation genetic
diagnosis (PGD) (Pang & Ho, 59). The concept targets human cells with or without particular
genes and uses genetic engineering to influence the traits of the babies. Explorer makes changes
to the genetic code by removing and introducing new DNA segments into the genome. This
concept originated with the birth of Louis Brown in 1978. He was the first in vitro fertilization
baby and marked a milestone in the possibility of parents choosing traits for their children. Later
on, embryologist Jacques Cohen came up with a solution to help infertile women have children
through cytoplasmic transfer. This breakthrough marked a step for scientists and parents who
wanted to select the gender and traits for the baby. A similar situation happened in 1994 when a
59-year old Briton defied limitations of nature and gave birth to twins in an Italian fertility clinic.
Similar events picked up speed across the world, and parents could get more help from the
fertility clinic. The creation of embryos outside the womb of a human body through
preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) set grounds for designer babies (Knoepfler, 120-121).
Scientists edit the genes to remove defective traits before implanting the embryo in the womb.
This diagnosis is central to genetically engineering babies since CRISPR-Cas9 (clustered
regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats) employs some of its mechanisms.

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Surname 1 Student Name Institution Course Date Introduction Designer children refer to the scientific concept where scientists give desired traits to babies through genetic engineering. Over the recent past, this concept became a habitual discussion as debates sparked on the ethics surrounding the subject. Individuals question the ethical consideration of the engineering process and its prospects. Later on, the rapid advancement of technology in the twenty-first century makes designing children a real possibility. In the Bible, God created humans in his likeness and image. It points that God was happy with His creations (Wadell, 117). However, as humans go through dynamic evolution and shift from time to time, modern biologists take up genome editing to design humans. The contemporary world presents advanced technology where scientists can edit these genomes of human cells to cure genetic diseases. These alterations in human cells and embryos shape the growth and development of an individual. The controversial technology involving genetic engineering raises varied views from a Christian point of view. Teachings of the Bible denote that the essence of life and human dignity are crucial in procreation. Christians acknowledge the Surname 2 presence of God in the procreation of humans. Principles of Christianity indicate that designer babies could interfere with God’s will and human dignity. Children come as gifts from God, and attempt to design them could unintentionally c ...
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I was struggling with this subject, and this helped me a ton!


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