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In 1993 the 101st International Olympic Committee met in Monaco to se

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In 1993 the 101st International Olympic Committee met in
Monaco to select the 2000 Winter Olympics site. The cities
in the running were Beijing (B), Berlin (L), Istanbul (I),
Manchester (M), and Sydney (S). Suppose we look at their
voting preferences. Find the results of the election using
the Hare method. Just after the third vote, one of the
committee members voting for Manchester was accused of
cheating and was disqualified. Because of that scandal,
one member admitted she was voting insincerely, and
changed her vote from Manchester to Sydney. What is the
result of using the Hare method? Do the results of parts (a)
and (b) violate any of the fairness criteria? Yes no if the
last answer positive, which fairness criterion is being
violated? Monotonicity Criterion Irrelevant Alternatives
Criterion Condorcet Criterion None Majority Criterion
L no none

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In 1993 the 101st International Olympic Committee met in Monaco to select the 2000 Winter Olympics site. The cities in the running were Beijing (B), Berlin (L), Istanbul (I), Manchester (M), and Sydney (S). Suppose we look at their voting preferences. Find the results of the election using the Hare ...
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