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Let C(R) denote the vector space of continuous real valued functions

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Let C(R) denote the vector space of continuous real-
valued functions defined on R. Let D be the subset of C(R)
that consists of the differentiable functions. Is D a
subspace of C(R)? Justify your answer.
Yes it is, we just need to check closure
under addition and scalar multiplication. that is, sum of any
two differentiable function is again a differentiable function
- TRUE and scalar multiple of any differentiable function is
differentiable function -TRUE Thus is is subspace.

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Let C(R) denote the vector space of continuous real valued functions defined on R. Let D be the subset of C(R) that consists of the differentiable functions. Is D a subspace of C(R)? Justify your answer. Solution Yes it is, we just need to check closure under addition and scalar multiplication. th ...
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