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Assume the DOS file allocation table FAT, is stored as an INTEGER vec

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Assume the DOS file allocation table FAT, is stored as an
INTEGER vector fat() indexed by block number where the
entry -3 indicates a bad block, -2 indicates a free block,
and -1 indicates an end of file (last block in the file).
Consider the following declaration of the class FileSystem
class FileSystem { public: void makefs(); int allocate(int
number_of_blocks); int numfiles(); int free(int first_block);
private: vector fat;}; How many files are embedded in the
FAT on the left. Using the interface for the class
Filesystem above, write the member function numfiles
which computes the number of files in the file system.
Using the interface for the class Filesystem above, write
the member function free. This function accept first_block
which is the first block number of a fil in the FAT and
changes all the blocks in fat (FAT) belonging to that file
(linked list) to -2.
a) as given -1 represents the EOF (end of file) ..... To find
number of files involved in the FAT, can be given by
number if indices containing the value -1 here in the given
FAT table there are 3 entries of -1
hence there are three files involved
int numfiles()

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int count=0;
for(int i=1;i<fat.size();i++)
return count;
this implementation finds the number of files involved in
the FATtable
int free(int first_block)
int index=1;
if(fat[index] == -1)
return index; //this returns the end of file

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Assume the DOS file allocation table FAT, is stored as an INTEGER vector fat() indexed by block number where the entry -3 indicates a bad block, -2 indicates a free block, and -1 indicates an end of file (last block in the file). Consider the following declaration of the class FileSystem class FileSystem { public: void makefs(); int allocate(int number_of_blocks); int numfiles(); int free(int first_block); private: vector fat;}; How many files are embedded in the FAT on the left. Using the interf ace for the class Filesystem above, write the member function numfiles which computes the number of files in the file system. Using the interface for the class Filesystem above, write the member function free. This function accept first_block which is the first block number of a fil in the FAT and changes all the blocks in fat (FAT) belonging to that file (linked list) to -2. Solution 1) a) as ...
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