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ALGORITHM DESIGN TECHNIQUES (15) When are they Q7 1) What do you unde

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Q7.1) What do you understand by greedy algorithms an
appropriate design technique to use (4 points) Q7.2) What
do you understand by divide and conquer algorithms?
When are they efficient? (4 POINTS) Q7.3) What do you
understand by Random Algorithms? Explain how this
technique is used by Skip List implementations to
guarantee an Expected node access time of o (log N),
where is the number of nodes the skip List (7 POINTS)
Greedy Algorithm: it is works in phases .At each phase you
can take the best you can get right now without regard for
future consequences. you hope that by choosing a local
optimum at each step , you will end up at a global
It is a mathematical process that looks for siple,easy to
implement solutions to complex, multi-step problems by
deciding which next step will provide the most obvious
Divide and Conquer algorithm: The whole problem break
up into smaller pieces ,solve the pieces seperately and
combine the seperate pieces. Here we are using recursion
It is efficient for sorting ,syntantic analysis and multiplying

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ALGORITHM DESIGN TECHNIQUES (15) When are they Q7.1) What do you understand by greedy algorithms an appropriate design technique to use (4 points) Q7.2) What do you understand by divide and conquer algorithms? When are they efficient? (4 POINTS) Q7.3) Wha t do you understand by Random Algorithms? Explain how this technique is used by Skip List implementations to guarantee an Expected node access time of o (log N), where is the number of nodes the skip List (7 POINTS) Solution Greedy Algorithm: it is works in phases .At each phase you can take the best you can get right now without regard for ...
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