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Each packet contains 10 of these resistors, and the packet is accepta

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Each packet contains 10 of these resistors, and the
packet is acceptable as long as at least 8 of them are
within tolerance. Determine the probability that the packet
will be unacceptable.
To conduct the Monte Carlo analysis, add code at the end
of your script to do the following:
resistor_value = nominal_value + range/2*randn(1); where
resistor_value is the randomly computed value for the
resistor, nominal_value is the expected value for the
resistor, and range is the product of the tolerance for the
resistor and the nominal resistor value.
2) Create histograms for the computed voltages on the two
resistors using the hist command:
figure; hist(voltage_1,100);
This command creates a histogram of the voltages in
voltage_1 (replace this with your variable) with 100
different sections in a new figure window
Dont forget to label and title your histogram!
3) Compute and display the probability of having a bad

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Each packet contains 10 of these resistors, and the packet is acceptable as long as at least 8 of them are within tolerance. Determine the probability that the packet will be unacceptable. Solution To conduct the Monte Carlo analysis, add code at the end of your script to do the following: resistor_value = nominal_value + range/2*randn(1); where resistor_value is the randomly computed value for the resistor, nominal_value is the expected value for the resistor, and range is the product of the toleranc e for the resistor and the nominal resistor value. 2) Create histograms for the computed v ...
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