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Consider the following code snippet Assume you have a Java Stack of

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Consider the following code snippet.//Assume you have a
Java Stack of Strings called stack stack.push(\"apples\");
stack.push(\"bananas\"); stack.pu3h(\"coconuts\"); for(int i
= 0; i
1. Output is \"coconut\" as stack works Last In First Out
2. You will not get any output but an error message will be
given as there is no element is passed to remove method.

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Consider the following code snippet.//Assume you have a Java Stack of Strings called stack stack.push( \"apples\"); stack.push(\"bananas\"); stack.pu3h(\"coconuts\"); for(int i = 0; i Solution 1. Output is \"coconut\" as stack works Last In First Out 2. You will not get any output but an error mes ...
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