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Unsure how find ln3ln 6 divided and got 5 wrong answer used ln(

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unsure how find ln3/ln.6. divided and got 5. wrong answer.
used ln(3-.6)= .875; wrong answer. I was told to divide. is
it .2? need to work to understand. Thanks
When I put the problem into a calculator the
answer is: -2.150660103 Were you putting it in the
calculator wrong? I find that it\'s a common mistake. I\'m
not sure how you got the number 5, but I got the same
answer when I did ln(3-.6) = 0.875... If you\'re using an
old school calculator (hopefully with parenthesis lol I don\'t
even remember... or the computer :P) (ln(3)) / (ln(0.6))
Maybe that would help.

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unsure how find ln3/ln.6. divided and got 5. wrong answer. used ln(3-.6)= .875; wrong answer. I was told to divide. is it .2? need to work to understand. Thanks Solution When I put the problem into a calculator the answer is: -2.150660103 Were you putting it in the calculator wrong? I find that it ...
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