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Crisis Management Class Notes_29887986-Class-Notes-for-Bible-Exam-2

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STUDY NOTES FOR IN-CLASS EXAM #2 DEUTERONOMY (9-19-02) Possible that this book was found by King Josiah Contains traditions that were all over Israel Recounting of the law as a farewell address – Moses telling you how to keep the law and what happens if you obey God and if you don’t - sets up this pattern; the rest of the history of Israel is based on this Basic paradigm of how national life will go *************** - how the fate of the nation goes depends on if you obey God It was put together during the Exile - Moses did not really speak this sermon - it was given to him - we’re in Exile because we didn’t follow the covenant – Deut 11:26-28 - what they did wrong was worshipping other gods Number of important passages - how to interpret what has happened to the nation It looks prescriptive but is really descriptive Written by people who saw what happened later Shema – Deut 6:4-5 – “Hear” or “Listen” is what Shema means Deut 6:20-24 – interpretation of the covenant - if children ask why all these rules, it’s because of God’s gracious acts for us and we do this for God - the basis of the covenant is God promised and God acts graciously The fact that they seemed punished meant they were still under the covenant, that God was still with them View of law is for our own good – a good way to live Name “Deuteronomy” comes from “second giving of the Law” Whole next section of Bible called the Deuteronomic History, or Former Prophets: Joshua, Judg ...
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Excellent resource! Really helped me get the gist of things.


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