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The problem is In a class there are 26 girls and 34 boys How many

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The problem is: In a class there are 26 girls and 34 boys.
How many ways can you pick 2 boys and 2 girls to form a
Could someone help me with the steps and the answer
and how the steps are used?
No of ways to pick 2 girls from 26 girls =
26C2 = 26!/2!*24! = 325. No of ways to pick 2 boys from
34boys = 34C2 = 34!/2!*32! = 561 Total no of ways =
325*561 = 182325

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The problem is: In a class there are 26 girls and 34 boys. How many ways can you pick 2 boys and 2 girls to form a committee? Could someone help me with the steps and the answer and how the steps are used? Solution No of ways to pick 2 girls from 26 girls = 26C2 = 26!/2!*24! = 325. No of ways to p ...
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