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1 Conduct research using the Internet and identify the type of soft

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1. Conduct research using the Internet and identify the
type of software or management tools that you would
utilize to help with each of the major steps in developing
the plan. Summarize the software/suite selected and
identify its key capabilities, advantages and
disadvantages. 2. As the leader of the change project in an
immature organization what level of direct involvement
should you have in creation of the Change Management
Plan? Should you be the primary author or should you
delegate most of the responsibilities?
To address the questions below assume you have been
chosen to develop and direct a Change Management Plan
for your business (an immature organization).
1. Conduct research using the Internet and identify the
type of software or management tools that you would
utilize to help with each of the major steps in developing
the plan. Summarize the software/suite selected and
identify its key capabilities, advantages and

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1. Conduct research using the Internet and identify the type of software or management tools that you would utilize to help with each of the major steps in developing the plan. Summarize the software/suite selected and identify its key capabilities, advantages and disadvantages. 2. As the leader of the change project in an immature organization what level of direct involvement should you have in creation of the Change Management Plan? Should you be the primary author or should you delegate most of the responsibilities? Solution To address the questions below assume you have been chosen to de ...
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