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1 refers to the activities undertaken to attract, develop, and

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1. ____ refers to the activities undertaken to attract,
develop, and maintain an effective workforce within an
a. Human resource management
b. Recruitment
c. Talent search
d. Strategic management
2. All of the following are goals of human resource
management EXCEPT
a. finding the right people for the job.
b. managing talent so people achieve their potential.
c. maintaining an effective work force.
d. turning over an effective workforce.
3. In the new workplace, ____ are people who work for an
organization, but not on a permanent or full-time basis.
a. upper-level employees
b. direct-related workers
c. temporary employees
d. contingent workers
4. ____ is a systematic process of gathering and
interpreting information about the essential duties.
a. A job analysis
b. A job listing
c. A job requirement
d. A job description
5. Which of the following refers to the process of
determining the skills, abilities, and other attributes a
person needs to perform a particular job?
a. Recruiting
b. Training
c. Selection
d. Development
6. ____ is the ability to influence people toward the
attainment of organizational goals.
a. Motivation

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b. Leadership
c. Persuasion
d. Commitment
7. The leader who builds widespread commitment to a
clear and compelling vision and stimulates people to high
performance is a ____ leader
a. Level 1
b. Level 2
c. Level 3
d. Level 4
8. Which of the following is consistent with initiating
a. Task oriented behavior
b. Open communication
c. Teamwork oriented
d. People oriented behavior
9. A ____ is a situational variable that makes a leadership
style unnecessary or redundant.
a. neutralizer
b. substitute
c. contingency
d. transaction
10. Which of the following is the power coming from a
formal management position in the organization?
a. Referent power
b. Coercive power
c. Reward power
d. Legitimate power
11. Which of the following is the arousal, direction, and
persistence of behavior?
a. Commitment
b. Motivation
c. Satisfaction
d. Rewarding behavior
12. Which of the following is NOT a need proposed by
Maslow in his hierarchy of needs theory?

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1. ____ refers to the activities undertaken to attract, develop, and maintain an effective workforce within an organization. a. Human resource management b. Recruitment c. Talent search d. Strategic management 2. All of the following are goals of human resource management EXCEPT a. finding the right people for the job. b. managing talent so people achieve their potential. c. maintaining an effective work force. d. turning over an effective workforce. 3. In the new workplace, ____ are people who work for an organization, but not on a permanent or full -time basis. a. upper-level employees b. direct-related workers c. temporary employees d. contingent workers 4. ____ is a systematic process of gathering and interpreting information about the essential duties. a. A job analysis b. A job listing c. A job requirement d. A job description 5. Which of the following refers to the process of determining the skills, abilities, and other attributes a person needs to perform a particular job? a. Recruiting b. Training c. Selection d. Development 6. ____ is the ability to influence people toward the attainment of organizational goals. a. Motivation b. Leadership c. Persuasion d. Commitment 7. The leader who builds widespread commitment to a clear and compelling vision and stimulates people to high performance is a ____ leader a. Level 1 b. Level 2 c. Level 3 d. Level 4 8. Which of the following is consistent with initiating structure? a. Task oriented behavior b. Open communication c. T ...
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