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What is the role of bystanders in these situations those who ar

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What is the role of bystanders in these situations - those
who are not involved but stand by and do nothing to stop
the harmful conduct?
What is the role of bystanders in these situations - those
who are not involved but stand by and do nothing to stop
the harmful conduct?
Bullying is one of the most important problems that schools
are facing today, as it has short-term and long-term effects
on all involved parties (bullies, victims and bystanders).
Research has found that bystanders (witnesses in bullying
situations) can mostly solve bullying problems, but actually
intervene in less than 30% of all cases. The reasons for
not intervening can be various. Some bystanders do not
even want to intervene in a bullying situation, because
they actually sympathise with the bullies. One
differentiates four groups of bystanders: assistants,
reinforcers, outsiders and defenders. Assistants and
reinforcers generally have a pro-bully attitude, while
outsiders and defenders mostly hold a pro-victim attitude.
Defenders are the ones actually protecting the victim and

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confronting the bully, while outsiders stay completely out
of bullying situations. The aim of this study was to
investigate the differences between these groups.
Therefore self-efficacy, self-esteem, empathy and intended
coping style in future bullying situations were measured
and compared between the four groups. Besides, the
current study used a short film to manipulate empathy in
one half of the participants. It was hypothesized that an
increase in empathy would promote the use of problem-
oriented coping. The results show that outsiders score
lower on self-efficacy than defenders, indicating that
outsiders choose not to intervene in bullying situations,
simply because they do not know how. Apart from that,
pro-bullies and pro-victims differ in empathy. Pro-victims
score significantly higher on empathy than pro-bullies. No
differences in self-esteem and coping style were found.
The manipulation did not increase empathy and had no
significant influences on intended coping behaviour in
future bullying situations. One limitation of this study is the
generalizability. More research on that topic is needed to
gain more insights in the process of bullying and bystander

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What is the role of bystanders who are not involved but stand the harmful conduct? What is the role of bystanders who are not involved but stand the harmful conduct? in these situations - those by and do nothing to stop in these situations - those by and do nothing to stop Solution Bullying is one of the most important problems that schools are facing today, as it has short-term and long-term effects on all involved parties (bullies, victims and bystanders). Research has found that bystanders (witnes ses in bullying situations) can mostly solve bullying problems, but actually intervene in less than 30% of all cases. The reasons for not intervening can be various. Some bystanders do not even want to intervene in a bullying situation, because they actually sympathise with the bullies. One differentiates four groups of bystanders: assistants, reinforcers, outsiders and defenders. Assista ...
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