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1 Define leadership and followership Distinguish between formal le

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1. Define leadership and followership. Distinguish between
formal leadership and informal leadership.
2. Define initiating structure and consideration as leader
1. leadership refers to leading a group, a mass or any
person in particular to achieve some desired goal. The
members follow their leader and the leader needs to
inspire the team sometimes by their good code of conduct.
The people who abide by their leader and follow them and
usually get inspired by them is termed as followership. for
instancea student following instructions of his teacher.
Formal leadership is where a person is officially
selected/elected as the leader to lead a group or any
organisation . There are formally written rules to which the
leader must follow and fulfill his duties. eg. captain of an
international cricket team who commands the team to work
in a mannered way and HOD of any subject in a school.It\'s
the formal leader

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1. Define leadership and followership. Distinguish between formal leadership and informal leadership. 2. Define initiating structure and consideration as leader behaviors. Solution 1. leadership refers to leading a group, a mass or any person in particular to achieve some desired goal. The members follow their leader and the leader needs to inspire the team sometimes by their good code of conduct. The people who abide by their leader and follow them and usually get inspired by them is termed as fo llowership. for instancea student following instructions of his teacher. Formal leadership is w ...
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