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1       Which of the following leadership theories focuses on the pe

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1. Which of the following leadership theories focuses
on the personal relationships that leaders develop with
a) Behavioral approach to leadership
b) Leader-member exchange theory
c) Transformational leadership
d) Charismatic leadership
the correct answer is B
Leader-member exchange theory
The leader-member exchange theory of leadership focuses
on the two-way relationship (dyadic relationships) between
supervisors and subordinates. The theory assumes that
leaders develop an exchange with each of their
subordinates, and that the quality of these leader-member
exchange (LMX) relationships influences subordinates\'
responsibility, decision influence, access to resources and
performance. This theory promotes positive employment
experiences and also augments organizational
effectiveness. Also known as LMX, LMET, leader

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1. Which of the following leadership theories focuses on the personal relationships that leaders develop with followers? a) Behavioral approach to leadership b) Leader-member exchange theory c) Transformational leadership d) Charismatic leadership Solution the correct answer is B Leader-member exchange theory The leader-member exchange theory of leadership focuses on the two-way relationship (dyadic relationships) betwee n supervisors and subordinates. The theory assumes that leaders develop an exchange with each of their subordinates, and that the quality of these leader -member exchange (L ...
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