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Running head: DISCUSSION 1
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Organizational knowledge is discrete in the bonding between information resources and people. It
is the skills and ability of the organization members to work in particular concrete contexts in
carrying out the work. Organizational knowledge resources include the things such as intellectual
property, product information and knowledge, employees' handbooks, customer communications,
and lessons of both failure and success of the organization. Knowledge sharing is the stage in the
organizational knowledge cycle which is the ability to acquire, identify, organize, create, share and
use the data and knowledge to make value within that organization. Organizational culture is the
group of values, expectations, and performance that notify and guide the events or actions of all
the team members. Organizational knowledge is becoming a progressively valuable strength and
quality in the competitive market of the current era. There are two main categories of
organizational knowledge: explicit knowledge and tacit knowledge. Organizational explicit
knowledge is arranged in organizational properties or resources such as artifacts, documents,
policies, and procedures. On the other hand, Tacit knowledge is dynamic and active and embedded
in the experiences, culture, expertise, and values within the organization. Organization explicit
knowledge is tangible and can be measured easily without facing any challenges compared to tacit

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Running head: DISCUSSION 1 Discussion Student Name Course ID Date of Submission DISCUSSION 2 Organizational knowledge is discrete in the bonding between information resources and people. It is the skills and ability of the organization members to work in particular concrete contexts in carrying out the work. Organizational knowledge resources include the things such as intellectual property, product information and knowledge, employees' handbooks, customer communications, and lessons of both failure and success of the organization. Knowledge sharing is the stage in the organizational knowledge cycle which is the ability to acquire, identify, organize, create, share and use the data and knowledge to make value within that organization. Organizational culture is the group of values, expectations, and performance that notify and guide the events or actions of all the team members. Org ...
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