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Discuss the importance of communication and information exchange to

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Discuss the importance of communication and information
exchange to project success. What are the crucial features
and elements of effective communication and information
exchange in successful projects?
1)Effective communication and information exchange are
both critical to project success. Clear communication
ensures that every team member understands her role and
objectives in the project. Continuous exchange of
information keeps all team members aware of progress and
highlights any issues that might affect progress. Failure to
communicate effectively can lead to costly delays that
impact the success of the project.
2)The development of a communication plan.
Implementation of that plan
The maintenance and updating of that plan throughout the
Understanding that communication needs to flow both to
and from the PM

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Discuss the importance of communication and information exchange to project success. What are the crucial features and elements of effective communication and information exchange in successful projects? Solution 1)Effective communication and information exchange are both critical to project success. Clear communication ensures that every team member understands her role and objectives in the project. Continuous exchange of information keeps all team members aware of progress and highlights any issues that might affect progress. Failure to communicate effectively can lead to costly delays th ...
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