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After reading Chapter 18, think of all the examples of forecasting y

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After reading Chapter 18, think of all the examples of
forecasting you experience on a regular basis; such as the
weatherman on TV each night. Now, considering the
technology we have at our disposal today, why can\'t we
get a \"Perfect\" forecast?
Please provide a detailed answer with supporting
It is not possible to get a perfect forecast however one
could say that we could get one that would be close
enough and part of an educated guess. In order for us to
determine the weather all around the country we have
weather balloons. These balloons determine the direction
of the wind as well as changes in temperatures. Now you
could not possibly place weather balloons at every point in
the sky or monitor the weather from the ground at every
single point however the amount of balloons out today
surveying the sky do yield use enough information to make
a good educated guess. Not just that but there are also
weather satellites orbiting the Earth from a zone called the
deep Earth orbit. Not just that but we also have the ISS or
International Space Station which hosts astronauts that

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After reading Chapter 18, think of all the examples of forecasting you experience on a regular basis; such as the weatherman on TV each night. Now, considering the technology we have at our disposal today, why can \'t we get a \"Perfect\" forecast? Please provide a detailed answer with supporting examples. Solution It is not possible to get a perfect forecast however one could say that we could get one that would be close enough and part of an educated guess. In order for us to determine the weather all around the country we have weather balloons. These balloons determine the direction of th ...
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