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Automobiles have different fuel economies (mpg), and commuters drive

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Automobiles have different fuel economies (mpg), and
commuters drive different distances to work or school.
Suppose that a state Department of Transportation (DOT)
is interested in measuring the average monthly fuel
consumption of commuters in a certain city. The DOT
might sample a group of commuters and collect information
on the number of miles driven per day, number of driving
days per month, and the fuel economy of their cars.
Develop a predictive model for calculating the amount of
gasoline consumed, using the following symbols for the
G = gallons of fuel consumed per month
m = miles driven per day to and from work or school d
number of driving days per month
f = fuel economy in miles per gallon
Suppose that a commuter drives 24 miles back and forth to
work 20 days each month and achieves a fuel economy of
30 mpg. How many gallons of gasoline are used?
Total distance travelled per day = 24miles
Miles driven per day to and from work or school d number
of driving days per month
m = distance travelled per day * no of days in the month
m = 24 * 20 = 480
fuel economy in miles per gallon f = 30 mpg

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Automobiles have different fuel economies (mpg), and commuters drive different distances to work or school. Suppose that a state Department of Transportation (DOT) is interested in measuring the average monthly fuel consumption of commuters in a certain city. The DOT might sample a group of commuters and collect information on the number of miles driven per day, number of driving days per month, and the fuel economy of their cars. Develop a predictive model for calculating the amount of gasoline consumed, using the following symbols for the data. G = gallons of fuel consumed per month m = mile ...
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