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B) If the project schedule is relaxed or lengthened, what is the imp

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b) If the project schedule is relaxed or lengthened, what is
the impact on quality?
The most efficient way to shorten the schedule is to
change the tasks that lie on the critical path. The critical
path is a series of dependent tasks whose last task
finishes at the project end date. If any of the tasks in this
series move, the project end date also moves. Modifying
tasks that are not on the critical path may not affect the
schedule. You can:
As you adjust the schedule, your costs might increase,
resources might become overallocated, and your scope
might change. For example, if you shorten durations of
tasks on the critical path, the project will probably finish
sooner, but the scope of those tasks and possibly the
entire project might be reduced. Or if you assign additional
resources to critical path tasks so that they can be finished
more quickly, you might find that these resources are now
overallocated, and you need to pay overtime, increasing
your costs.

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b) If the project schedule is relaxed or lengthened, what is the impact on quality? Solution The most efficient way to shorten the schedule is to change the tasks that lie on the critical path. The critical path is a series of dependent tasks whose last task finishes at the project end date. If any of the tasks in this series move, the project end date also moves. Modifying tasks that are not on the critical path may not affect the schedule. You can: As you adjust the schedule, your costs might increase, resources might become overallocated, and your scope might change. For example, if you s ...
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