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There are different types of forecasting models that can be used in

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There are different types of forecasting models that can be
used in business research. Each model is suitable for a
type of historical demand data. Some data may have a
trend, may be without a trend, or may be seasonal.
Justify your answers using examples and reasoning.
Comment on the postings of at least two peers and state
whether you agree or disagree with their views.
Research Process
The research process is a well-structured methodology
that aids the manager to make an educated business
decision. The most important element of this process is the
source of data used. The better the data, the better the
result. Data must come from a sample that is random and
large enough.
There are six steps to the information research process.
These steps are basic to any type of research. These skills
will be used throughout your life. You will call upon them
anytime you have an information need. They represent an
organized and systematic method of conducting research.
1. Define the Task
What needs to be done?
Define the problem, select topic, narrow down the topic (to
narrow your topic, ask yourself these questions),

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comprehend task and requirements, identify the
information needed, and draft a personal time line for the
project.Focus, focus, focus.
2. Develop a Search Strategy
What can I use to find what I need?
Ask yourself questions about what you know and don\'t
know about your topic.
Brainstorm; browse; use general sources for background
information; write questions and keywords down; organize
3. Locate and Access the Information
Where can I find what I need?
Access library catalog, indexes and available databases,
locate the materials, make bibliographic citations, locate
which sources have relevant information, read general
information to learn about topic.
4. Use the Information
What information can I use?
Relax, Read, Reflect: Take detailed notes on interesting
facts and ideas, categorize notes (in what section of your
outline does the information fit?), identify need for any
additional information and obtain it.
5. Synthesize the Information
How can I put my information together?
Organize notes (by outline topics), quote / paraphrase /

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There are different types of forecasting models that can be used in business research. Each model is suitable for a type of historical demand data. Some data may have a trend, may be without a trend, or may be seasonal. Justify your answers using examples and reasoning. Comment on the postings of at least two peers and state whether you agree or disagree with their views. Research Process The research process is a well-structured methodology that aids the manager to make an educated business decision. The most important element of this process is the source of data used. The better the data, the better the result. Data must come from a sample that is random and large enough. Solution There are six steps to the information research process. These steps are basic to any type of research. These skills will be used throughout your life. You will call upon them anytime you have an informati ...
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