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There are eight quality management principles within the ISO9000 sta

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There are eight quality management principles within the
ISO9000 standard. Briefly explain the impact of ISO9000
quality standards on the supply chain.
The impact of supply chain relationship
Firms seeking to improve their performance are
increasingly concerned about the
performance of other firms upstream in their supply chain
what is justified by the fact that
unsatisfactory quality performance records of suppliers
could degrade the reputation of
downstream customers who buy their products (Delmas
and Montiel, 2009). Actually, a high
level of involvement between firm and suppliers is an
important characteristic of many
successful businesses since more than half the value of a
firm?s product is purchased from
suppliers (Levine, 1995). In the same vein, Baiman et al.
(2000) argue that the quality of a
firm?s product depends not only on the firm?s actions but

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those of its suppliers. Additionally,
consumers? beliefs about firm?s quality are updated upon
observing firms? decision to form a
quality partnership with its suppliers (Costa and
Vasconcelos, 2010).
It is argued that a supply chain network can be more
effective than a firm at the generation,
transfer and recombination of knowledge since there is
greater diversity of knowledge within
a network of firms than in a firm (Dyer and Nobeoka,
2000). Hence, being certified is a
positive signal concerning quality improvement (Terlaak
and King, 2006), and having a
supplier as a certified firm amplifies this positive signal.
Therefore, the firm?s objective is to establish a good
relationship with its suppliers in order to
assure continuous improvement of its performance.
Supplier quality management must
become an integral part of achieving consistent total
product quality. For this reason, ISO
9000 has become an international standard that serves as
a key selection criterion for supplier
selection (Lo et al., 2008). Moreover, preferential
suppliers of large firms are often
determined on the basis of a consistent supply of quality

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There are eight quality management principles within the ISO9000 standard. Briefly explain the impact of ISO9000 quality standards on the supply chain. Solution The impact of supply chain relationship Firms seeking to improve their performance are increasingly concerned about the performance of other firms upstream in their supply chain what is justified by the fact that unsatisfactory quality performance records of suppliers could degrade the reputation of downstream customers who buy their products (Delmas and Montiel, 2009). Actually, a high level of involvement between firm and suppliers is an important characteristic of many successful businesses since more than half the value of a firm?s product is purchased from suppliers (Levine, 1995). In the same vein, Baiman et al. (2000) argue that the quality of a firm?s product depends not only on the firm?s actions but those of its sup ...
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