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Which of the following is NOT correct about the Consumer Product Saf

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Which of the following is NOT correct about the Consumer
Product Safety Commission?
The CPSC has jurisdiction over designated products sold
in the U.S., no matter if the products were manufactured in
the U.S. or in a foreign country.
CPSC product recalls are more likely to occur for products
manufactured in foreign countries than those manufactured
in the U.S.
Even though the CPSC\'s regulations are federal, and as
such would normally preempt any state statutes that are in
conflict, the CPSC can exempt state statutes from
preemption if they provide more protection and don\'t
unduly burden interstate commerce.
All the above are correct.
The CPSC has jurisdiction over designated products sold
in the U.S., no matter if the products were manufactured
in the U.S. or in a foreign country.
CPSC product recalls are more likely to occur for products
manufactured in foreign countries than those manufactured
in the U.S.
Even though the CPSC\'s regulations are federal, and as
such would normally preempt any state statutes that are in
conflict, the CPSC can exempt state statutes from
preemption if they provide more protection and don\'t
unduly burden interstate commerce.
All the above are correct.

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Which of the following is NOT correct about the Consumer Product Safety Commission? A. The CPSC has jurisdiction over designated products sold in the U.S., no matter if the products were manufactured in the U.S. or in a foreign country. B. CPSC product recalls are more likely to occur for products manufactured in foreign countries than those manufactured in the U.S. C. Even though the CPSC\'s regulations are federal, and as such would normally preempt any state statutes that are in conflict, the CPSC can exempt state statutes from preemption if they provide more protection and don \'t unduly b ...
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