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       chapter 12 case study the wall street1 what are the potent

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chapter 12 case study the wall street
1- what are the potential advantages of open
2- what are the potential disadvantages of open
3- are there any kind of information that you think should
be openly available in an orgonazition? if so, why not? if
not, why?
4- why might some managers or employees be resistent to
open management?
1-What are the potential advantages of open management?
Open mangagement focusses on bringing the wider
business as a whole into the decision making process. It
adds innovation, transparency, and participation to what
has historically been a closed, almost proprietary process.
2- What are the potential disadvantages of open
Potential disadvantage of open management is the lack of
trust which people have amongs the organization. When
we begin to engage people outside our organizational
boundaries more often, we will experience that trust and

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chapter 12 case study the wall street 1- what are the potential advantages of open management? 2- what are the potential disadvantages of open management? 3- are there any kind of information that you think should be openly available in an orgonazition? if so, why not? if not, why? 4- why might some managers or employees be resistent to open management? Solution 1-What are the potential advantages of open management? Open mangagement focusses on bringing the wider business as a whole into the decision making process. It adds innovation, transparency, and participation to what has historicall ...
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