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What types of people have more difficulty being team players What h

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What types of people have more difficulty being team
players? What helps promote good team player behavior?
3. What do you think is more important for a good IT
professional: strong technical skills or strong people skills?
4. The concept of a communications management plan
makes logical sense, yet many projects do not create or
follow this type of plan. Why do you think this is the case?
5. Which skills do you think are more important for
information technology project managers to possess at
various points in their careers: strong technical skills or
strong communications skills?
People having high egoistic and uncompromising nature
could not act as a team player. They prefer to work
individually. People having know-it-all attitude also fails in
working as a team player. Good team player behavior in
the employees can be promoted with the help of given
steps- Organize team meetings and outings. Encourage
and appreciate the members showing team spirit. Set team
based goals and rewards. Delegate responsibilities within
the members. Good technical skill is important for a good
IT professional. Communication management plan is
important to be followed by large organizations. However,
small organizations having fewer employees do not need

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What types of people have more difficulty being team players? What helps promote good team player behavior? 3. What do you think is more important for a good IT professional: strong technical skills or strong people skills? 4. The concept of a communications management plan makes logical sense, yet many projects do not create or follow this type of plan. Why do you think this is the case? 5. Which skills do you think are more important for information technology project managers to possess at various points in their careers: strong technical skills or strong communications skills? Solution P ...
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