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You are under contract with your current employer for one year at a

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You are under contract with your current employer for one
year at a time. You have been offered a renewal contract
that will commence three months from now; however, by
the terms of the offer, you must accept it within the next
ten days or it will be revoked. You are virtually certain that
this will the the last year work available for this employer,
because it is experiencing financial difficulties. You have a
great potential position pending with another employer.
Although the organization\'s authorized representative has
indicated that you are the top candidate, no formal offer is
likely to materialize for at least thirty days. 1. What options
does each of the parties have? 2. How should those
options affect each party\'s negotiation strategy? 3. Play
the role of each party in assessing the other\'s likely
behavior or strategy for the negotiation. Discuss each
party\'s behavior.
The employee has the following three options:
The employer has the following options:
Since, the employee has a good opportunity to work with
some other employer, he might ask for higher
remuneration. However, the employee didnt have a formal

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You are under contract with your current employer for one year at a time. You have been offered a renewal contract that will commence three months from now; however, by the terms of the offer, you must accept it within the next ten days or it will be revoked. You are virtually certain that this will the the last year work available for this employer, because it is experiencing financial difficulties. You have a great potential position pending with another employer. Although the organization\'s authorized representative has indicated that you are the top candidate, no formal offer is likely to ...
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Really helpful material, saved me a great deal of time.


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