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You are Vice President of Human Resources for a small high technolog

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You are Vice President of Human Resources for a small
high technology hardware and software firm. Your
company has just won two substantial contracts and you
have been directed to improve your company
Employee Benefit Schemes:
1.Subsidized Loan for purchase of house and vehicle.
2.Study loan for the children of employees.
3.Gratuity scheme for employees serving for more than
4.Continuity Allowance for employees working for more
than 2years.
5.Monthly reward scheme for high performers.
6.Enacashment of all kinds of leaves.
7.Mourning Leaves for 7days a year to mourn if some dear
one dies.
8.Group Life Insurance where employees contributes 25%
and employer 75%.
9.Paid Sabbatical for 15days in a year
10.Superannuation benefits or Retirement benefits.
11.Employment of spouse/children in case the employee

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You are Vice President of Human Resources for a small high technology hardware and software firm. Your company has just won two substantial contracts and you have been directed to improve your company Solution Employee Benefit Schemes: 1.Subsidized Loan for purchase of house and vehicle. 2.Study loan for the children of employees. 3.Gratuity scheme for employees serving for more than 5years. 4.Continuity Allowance for employees working for more than 2years. 5.Monthly reward scheme for high performers. 6.Enacashment of all kinds of leaves. 7.Mourning Leaves for 7days a year to mourn if some d ...
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