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What did you learn and what you know about essentials of management

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what did you learn and what you know about essentials of
management ? short essay
Management is defined as the process of coordinating the
activities of business so that desired objectives are
achieved within specified time and cost.
Need and scope of management:
It is essential to keep organization on track so that
available resources are utilized efficiently and thus
management is essential. Management is also required to
motivate employees and foster discipline and creativity in
the organization.
Management has very wide scope which includes
operations, marketing, finance, and human resources.
Basic functions of management are as mentioned below:
Management is the process through which an organization
makes efficient utilization of its resources and directs it to
achieve desired goals and objectives. Efficient
management increases productivity and efficiency of an

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what did you learn and what you know about essentials of management ? short essay Solution Management is defined as the process of coordinating the activities of business so that desired objectives are achieved within specified time and cost. Need and scope of management: It is essential to keep organization on track so that available resources are utilized efficiently and thus management is essential. Management is also required to motivate employees and foster discipline and creativity in the organization. Management has very wide scope which includes operations, marketing, finance, and hu ...
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