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What types of staffing activities (recruitment, selection, and emplo

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What types of staffing activities (recruitment, selection,
and employment) might be causing the statistical
differences? For example, in Exhibit 2.5 the selection rate
for men is 50% and for women is 11%. How would the
orgainization collect the data necessary to compute these
selection rates, how would you decide if the difference in
selection rates(50% vs. 11%) is big enough to indicatie
possible discrimination, and what sorts of practices might
be causing the differenece in selection rates?
A major way in which recruiting can contribute to
differences in group selection rates deals with the sources
and methods of recruiting used to attract applicants. For
example, if an employer wants to increase the diversity of
its work force in terms of its racial/ethnic composition, then
it needs to place advertisements in the newspapers or on
the radio/TV stations which will tap into diverse groups of
people. If this is NOT done, it shouldn

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What types of staffing activities (recruitment, selection, and employment) might be causing the statistical differences? For example, in Exhibit 2.5 the selection rate for men is 50% and for women is 11%. How would the orgainization collect the data necessary to compute these selection rates, how would you decide if the difference in selection rates(50% vs. 11%) is big enough to indicatie possible discrimination, and what sorts of practices might be causing the differenece in selection rates? Solution Recruitment A major way in which recruiting can contribute to differences in group selectio ...
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