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Consider the quality factor Q for one degree of freedom in terms of k

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Consider the quality factor Q for one degree of freedom in
terms of kinetic energy (KE) and potential energy (PE), in
total (KE+PE). For a resonator at any instant to the energy
dissipated in one cycle of vibration. When the quality factor
is much greater thon 1, the quality factor can be calculated
in terms of the resonator mass, damping and
stiffness/frequency. What are these expressions for the
quality factor? What are the consequences of a low quality
value, in which Q is not much greater than 1 anymore, for
a small mass detection with Nano resonators? What two
advantage does the suspended micro channel resonator
offer for working with micro resonator sensors when the
mass detected must be retained in a medium of fluid?
In general, mechanical biosensors capitalize on attributes
that scale advantageously as physical size is reduced.
First, nanoscale mechanical sensors provide exquisite
mass resolution the minimum detectable added mass is
proportional to the total mass of the device.
Nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS) have achieved
zeptogramscale mass resolution while operating in
vacuum, and nanogram resolution while operating in a fluid
Second, the mechanical compliance of a device its

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ability to be displaced or deformed greatly increases
with uniform reduction of its dimensions.
Mechanical compliance converts an applied force into a
measurable displacement (and is the mechanical analogue
of gain in electronic circuits).
This enhanced force responsivity opens new opportunities
for measuring the miniscule forces that govern biological
For example, nanomechanical sensors can resolve forces
of 10 pN, which is sensitive enough to detect the rupturing
of individual hydrogen bonds.
Third, small fluidic mechanical devices can exhibit fast
response times.
This allows biological processes in fluids to be observed
on the timescales of milliseconds or shorter over which
stochastic molecular interactions begin to evolve.
Mechanical biosensors can generally be delineated into
four broad categories based on the chemical interactions
between the sensor and the analyte:
(1) affinity-based assays where highly selective target
identification and capture is achieved by the employing
high specificity (that is, affinity) between the target and the
functionalization at the device surface.
Highly specific interactions can exist, for example,
between antigens and antibodies;

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Consider the quality factor Q for one degree of freedom in terms of kinetic energy (KE) and potential energy (PE), in total (KE+PE). For a resonator at any instant to the energy dissipated in one cycle of vibration. When the quality factor is much greater thon 1, the quality factor can be calculated in terms of the resonator mass, damping and stiffness/frequency. What are these expressions for the quality factor? What are the consequences of a low quality value, in which Q is not much greater than 1 anymor e, for a small mass detection with Nano resonators? What two advantage does the suspended micro channel resonator offer for working with micro resonator sensors when the mass detected must be retained in a medium of fluid? Solution In general, mechanical biosensors capitalize on attributes that scale advantageously as physical size is reduced. First, nanoscale mechanical sensors provide exquisite mass resolution — the minimum detectable added mass is proportional to the total mass of the device. Nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS) have achieved zeptogramscale mass resolution while operating in vacuum, and nanogram resolution while operating in a fluid environment1. Second, t ...
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