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Given the equation shown on the board, assuming all variables are dou

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Given the equation shown on the board, assuming all
variables are doubles, create the equation in C++ code.
Write a complete fragment of code that given the integer
test-score to a letter grade, base on the following rules:
int score; char grade; if test-score ge 90 then grade = A if
90 > test-score ge 80 then grade = B if 80 > test-score ge
70 then grade = C if 70 > test-score ge 60 then grade = D
if 60 > test-score then grade = F Consider the array called
datum declared as int datum [N], write a code fragment
that will fill it with zeros (ie., all elements will be set to 0).
Use a for-loop to fill the array Use a do-while loop to fill
the array Use a while-loop to fill the array Write a
function named zero that accepts a integer array followed
by the size of the array, such that it will set all elements of
the array to zero; for example: int x[] = {23, 45, 6, 90, 44};
const int N = sizeof(N)/sizeof(int); compiler will figure out
N zero(x, N); now all of x\'s elements are set to zero Its
prototype must be: void zero(int [], int); Develop a function
called repCount, with the prototype: bool repCount(const
char * S, char *P); Functionally, it accepts two c-strings,
and it searches string S for the occurrence of the string,
P: if found at least once it will return true. Example:
char*acid = \"UTTAGUATGUUU\"; bool found; found =
repCount(acid, \"TAG\"); found will be TRUE found =
repCount(acid, \"TGA\"); found will be FALSE
1. in question 1,you didn\'t specify which equation you
want create in C++. pls provide the equation.

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2.source code to display grade :
#include <iostream.h>
void main()
int score;
char grade;
cout<<\"\ enter your score : \";
cout<<\"\ Grade : A\";
else if(score>=80 && score<90)
cout<<\"\ Grade : B\";
else if(score>=70 && score<80)
cout<<\"\ Grade : C\";
else if(score>=60 && score<70)
cout<<\"\ Grade : D\";
cout<<\"\ Grade : F\";
3. (a) source code to set elements to zero using for loop :

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Given the equation shown on the board, assuming all variables are doubles, create the equation in C++ code. Write a complete fragment of code that given the integer test-score to a letter grade, base on the following rules: int score; char grade; if test-score ge 90 then grade = A if 90 > test-score ge 80 then grade = B if 80 > test -score ge 70 then grade = C if 70 > test-score ge 60 then grade = D if 60 > test-score then grade = F Consider the array called datum declared as int datum [N], write a code fragment that will fill it with zeros (ie., all elements will be set to 0). Use a for-loop to fill the array Use a do -while loop to fill the array Use a while-loop to fill the array Write a function named zero that accepts a integer array followed by the size of the array, such that it will set all elements of the array to zero; for example: int x[] = {23, 45, 6, 90, 44}; const int N = sizeof(N)/sizeof(int); compiler will figure out N zero(x, N); now all of x\'s elements are set to zero Its prototype must be: void zero(int [], int); Develop a function called repCount, with the prototype: bool repCount(const char * S, char *P); Functionally, it accepts two c -strings, and it searches string S for the occurrence of the string, P: if found at least once it will return true. Example: char*acid = \"UTTAGUATGUUU\"; bool found; found = repCount(acid, \"TAG\"); found will be TRUE found = repCount(acid, \"TGA\"); found will be FALSE Solution 1. in question 1,you didn\'t specify whic ...
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