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Consider the following grammar S rightarrow Sxy Sab z Which of t

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Consider the following grammar: S rightarrow Sxy | Sab |
z Which of the following is a correct conversion to LL? S
rightarrowxy S\' | abS\' S\' rightarrow zS\' | epsilon It is
already LL. S rightarrow SS\' S\' rightarrow xyS\' | abS\' | z
Consider the following grammar: S rightarrow aSb | xE E
rightarrow aE | x The first LR item set is S rightarrow aSb |
xE. Which of the following is the next item set for this
grammar? S cl middot Sb | x middot E E rightarrow aE I
middot x None of these are correct. E rightarrow a E E
rightarrow middot aE | x
5 Consider following grammar
S -> Sxy
| Sab
| z
(c) It is already in LL.
(e) E -> a . E
E -> .aE
| .x

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Consider the following grammar: S rightarrow Sxy | Sab | z Which of the following is a correct conversion to LL? S rightarrowxy S\' | abS\' S\' rightarrow zS\' | epsilon It is already LL. S rightarrow SS\' S\' rightarrow xyS\' | abS\' | z Consider the following grammar: S rightarrow aSb | xE E rightarrow aE | x The first LR item set is S rightarrow aSb | xE. Which of the following is the next item set for this grammar? S cl middot Sb | x middot E E rightarrow aE I middot x None of these are correct. E righ tarrow a E E rightarrow middot aE | x Solution Answer 5 Consider following grammar S - ...
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