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13 12 Part V Advanced Database Topics San Mate0 Tulsa New York San Ma

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13-12 Part V Advanced Database Topics San Mate0 Tulsa
New York San Mateo Engineering Standard Price List
Tulsa Parts Accounting Standard Price List New York
Customers Standard Price List Parts Parts Parts FIGURE
13-9 Hybrid data distribution strategy Source: Based on
Database Programming & Design, April 1989, vol. 2, No. 4.
a. concurrency transparency, as the data are being
protected from getting lost or mismatch.
b. location transparency, as the data was deleted on site
and the action was carried out by the hybrids
c. failure transparency, as the transaction was failed and
DBMS adjusted itself to initial state. If the distribute DBMS
remember the failed transaction then anybody can hack
the detail and use it for his/her own benifits illegally.
d. Replication Transparency, as the all the hibrids are a
replica of each other there parts are also replicas so the
query for parts can be routed to other location

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13-12 Part V Advanced Database Topics San Mate0 Tulsa New York San Mateo Engineering Standard Price List Tulsa Parts Accounting Standard Price List New York Customers Standard Price List Parts Parts Parts FIGURE 13-9 Hybrid data distribution strategy Sour ce: Based on Database Programming & Design, April 1989, vol. 2, No. 4. Solution Answer:) a. concurrency transparency, as the data are being protected from getting lost or mismatch. b. location transparency, as the data was deleted on site and the action was carried out by the hybrids c. failure transparency, as the transaction was failed an ...
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