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An algorithm takes 2n^2 + 2^n bit operations to solve a problem of si

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An algorithm takes 2n^2 + 2^n bit operations to solve a
problem of size n. Compute it running time if each
operation requires 10^-5 second and n = 20. What is the
big O notation of this algorithm?
a. Number of operations when n=20:
= 2*400+2^20
total number of operations =1049376
total Running time of all operations: 1049376*10^-5 =>
10.49376 seconds
b) Big o notation:
Maximum power is n^2
So, O(n^2)

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An algorithm takes 2n^2 + 2^n bit operations to solve a problem of size n. Compute it running time if each operation requires 10^-5 second and n = 20. What is the big O notation of this algorithm? Solution Answer: a. Number of operations when n=20: =2(20^2)+2^20 = 2*400+2^20 total number of operat ...
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