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Canted a tuple with a sins then and add it to the end of the existing

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Canted a tuple with a sins then and add it to the end of
the existing \'s tuple.
Let say, you have an initial tuple as below:
tup = (\'a\', 2, \"hello\")
Now you have a new single element tuple as below:
n = (\'m\')
In order to add n to tup do as below:
lt = list(tup) #converting tuple into a list
nlt = list(n) # converting the new tuple into the list
lt.append(nlt) # as the new list contain a single element,
this will work
tuple(lt) # converting the updated list into a tuple

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Canted a tuple with a sins then and add it to the end of the existing \'s tuple. Solution Answer:) Let say, you have an initial tuple as below: tup = (\'a\', 2, \"hello\") Now you have a new single element tuple as below: n = (\'m\') In order to add n to tup do as below: lt = list(tup) #converting ...
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Just what I needed…Fantastic!
