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Question #1 Take as an example a small control system The system is

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Question #1 Take as an example a small control system.
The system is made up of three tasks, a low priority
Control task, a medium priority System Identification (SI)
task and a high priority Alarm task. There is an analog
input shared by the Control and the SI tasks, which is
protected by a mutex. There is also an analog output
protected by a different mutex. Control Thread Analoguc
Output Interface (DAC) Analogue Input Intesface (ADC)
System Identification Thread Alarm Thread Display Driver
The Control task requires the resources ADC and DAC:
mutex_lock (ADC) mutex_lock (DAC); critical section*
mutex unlock (ADC); mutex unlock (DAC);
The small alarm system consist of following components
The deadlock achieved in small alarm control system by
the following four criteria:
That means at least one task from above components must
be held in a non-communication mode.
A process must be simultaneously holding by one
component and waiting for another one process that is
currently being held by other component.
Once component is holding a then that process cannot be
taken left from that component awaiting the process
voluntarily releases it.

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Question #1 Take as an example a small control system. The system is made up of three tasks, a low priority Control task, a medium priority System Identification (SI) task and a high priority Alarm task. There is an analog input shared by the Control and the SI tasks, which is protected by a mutex. There is also an analog output protected by a different mutex. Control Thread Analoguc Output Interface (DAC) Analogue Input Intesface (ADC) System Identification Thread Alarm Thread Display Driver The Control task requires the resources ADC and DAC: mutex_lock (ADC) mutex_lock (DAC); critical secti ...
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