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3 Discuss how to foil the idea of a blinking light to show liveness

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3. Discuss how to foil the idea of a blinking light to show
liveness with a security camera.
Answer :
Blink will rejects the curvilinear forms that we have to
come to expect from IP cameras i the favor of right angles.
The camera itself is a 2.75 - by-2.75 by -0.5 inch square
that can fit.
It also comes with a sync module, another 2-by-2-ish
square, that facilitates
Blinks setup and moderates its power usage.
Both the camera and the sync module are made from light
weight plastic. The Blink system also includes an optional
alarm, which we did not test.
Blink offers 720HD video capture with a 110-degree field of
When the cameras sensor detects motion, Blink records a
5-second video clip (though this can be extended to 10
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3. Discuss how to foil the idea of a blinking light to show liveness with a security camera. Solution Answer : Blink will rejects the curvilinear forms that we have to come to expect from IP cameras i the favor of right angles. The camera itself is a 2.75 - by-2.75 by -0.5 inch square that can fit. It also comes with a sync module, another 2 -by-2-ish square, that facilitates Blink’s setup and moderates its power usage. Both the camera and the sync module are made from light weight plastic. The Blink system also includes an optional alarm, which we did not test. Blink offers 720HD video ca ...
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