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3 In a follow up experiment, we have been able to collect data on s

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3. In a follow-up experiment, we have been able to collect
data on several samples of each of Alloy A and B at 3
different temperature excursions (25 C, 80 C and 135 C)
during thermal cycling. The Mean Time to Failure (MTTF)
results are shown in the table below:
25 C
80 C
135 C
Sample 1
4000 hours
2500 hours
1000 hours
Sample 2
4200 hours
2900 hours
1650 hours
Sample 3
3740 hours
2310 hours
950 hours
Sample 1
3850 hours
2350 hours
875 hours
Sample 2
3960 hours
2470 hours
1075 hours
Sample 3
3740 hours
2200 hours
810 hours

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(a) Using Excels ANOVA tool (With Replication),
determine which factors are significant.
(b) Draw the Mean Effects graphs to confirm that
the interaction between alloy type and temperature is not
(c) Use Excels Regression tool to derive the
equation linking MTTF with the test variables. Because of
part (b), exclude the interaction variable in the linking
(d) Determine the goodness of the linear fit.
25 C
80 C
135 C
Sample 1
4000 hours
2500 hours
1000 hours
Sample 2
4200 hours
2900 hours
1650 hours
Sample 3
3740 hours
2310 hours
950 hours
Sample 1
3850 hours
2350 hours
875 hours
Sample 2
3960 hours
2470 hours
1075 hours

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3. In a follow-up experiment, we have been able to collect data on several samples of each of Alloy A and B at 3 different temperature excursions (25 C, 80 C and 135 C) during thermal cycling. The Mean Time to Failure (MTTF) results are shown in the table below: Alloy 25 C 80 C 135 C A Sample 1 4000 hours 2500 hours 1000 hours Sample 2 4200 hours 2900 hours 1650 hours Sample 3 3740 hours 2310 hours 950 hours B Sample 1 3850 hours 2350 hours 875 hours Sample 2 3960 hours 2470 hours 1075 hours Sample 3 3740 hours 2200 hours 810 hours (a) Using Excel’s ANOVA tool (With Replication), determine which factors are significant. (b) Draw the Mean Effects graphs to confirm that the interaction between alloy type and temperature is not significant. (c) Use Excel’s Regression tool to derive the equation linking MTTF with the test variables. Because of part (b), exclude the interaction variable in the linking equation. (d) Determine the goodness of the linear fit. Alloy 25 C 80 C 135 C A Sample 1 4000 hours 2500 hours 1000 hours Sample 2 4200 hours 2900 hours 1650 hours Sample 3 3740 hours 2310 hours 950 hours B Sample 1 3850 hours 2350 hours 875 hours Sample 2 3960 hours 2470 hours 1075 hours Sample 3 3740 hours 2200 hours 810 hours Solution #include sbit RA = P1^0; sbit YA = P1^1; sbit GA = P1^2; sbit RB = P3^2; sbit YB = P3^3; sbit GB = P3^4; sbit RC = P3^5; sbit YC = P3^6; sbit GC = P3^7; sbit rD = P1^3; sbit YD = P1^4; sbit GD = P1^5; void ...
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