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3 Write a Matlab code to generate a 3D curve using surf commandf

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3. Write a Matlab code to generate a 3D curve using surf
f(x,y) = e^-(x+y)
x >0 and y>0
Here the upper bound is not given so I am considering let
100 be the upper bound for x and y. If you want u can
change these values...
>> x= 1:1:100 // this means x=[1,100] with a step of 1
>> y=1:1:100 // this means y=[1,100] with a step of 1
>> [X,Y]=meshgrid(x,y); //It is used to make a grid of
points in the range of x,y
>> Z=e (-X-Y); // Since we want to plot for the
equation e^-(x+y) it was represented using X and Y values
>> surf(X,Y,Z) // this command is used
for plotting the 3D graph

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3. Write a Matlab code to generate a 3D curve using surf command: f(x,y) = e^-(x+y) x >0 and y>0 Solution Here the upper bound is not given so I am considering let 100 be the upper bound for x and y. If you want u can change these values... >> x= 1:1:100 >> y=1:1:100 // this means x=[1,100] with ...
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