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3 Write the command that can be used to perform the following   

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3. Write the command that can be used to perform the
a. Back up the contents of the /var directory
(which contains symbolically linked files) to the second
nonrewinding SCSI tape device on the system using the tar
b. Append the file /etc/inittab to the archive
created in Exercise 3a.
c. Create a tarball called /stuff.tar.gz that
contains all files in the /root/stuff directory.
d. Use the cpio utility to back up all files in
the /var directory (which contains symbol- ically linked
files) to the first rewinding IDE tape device that has a
block size of 5KB.
e. Perform a full filesystem backup of the
/var filesystem using the dump utility and record the event
in the /etc/dumpdates file.
f. View the contents of the archives created
in Exercises 3a, c, d, and e.
g. Extract the contents of the archives
created in Exercises 3a and c to the /root directory.
h. Extract the contents of the archives
created in Exercises 3d and e to their original locations.
A.a. The following command can be used to backup the

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contents of the /var directory (which contains symbolically
linked files) to the second nonrewinding SCSI tape device
on the system using the tar utility:
tar -zcvpf /archive/full-backup-`date \'+%d-%B-%Y\'`.tar.gz
--directory / --exclude=mnt --exclude=proc --
Please note that the commands given are case sensitive.
There are several options available in the above command
like ``z\'\' (compress; that dats that is backed up will be
compressed with ``gzip\'\'), ``c\'\' (create; an archive file is
being created), ``v\'\' (verbose which displays a list of files
as they get backed up), ``p\'\' (preserve permissions). The
``f\'\' (file) option states that the immediate next argument
would be the filename.The filename also has a ``date\'\'
command between two back-quote characters which
defines the date of the file. tar.gz is used for compressed
The ``--directory\'\' is used to tar to switch to the following
directory path before starting the backup. The ``--
exclude\'\' is used to specify tar not to bother backing up
the specified directories or files. Finally, the ``.\'\'
character is used to specify tar that it should back up
everything present in the current directory.

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3. Write the command that can be used to perform the following: a. Back up the contents of the /var directory (which contains symbolically linked files) to the second nonrewinding SCSI tape device on the system using the tar utility. b. Append the file /etc/inittab to the arc hive created in Exercise 3a. c. Create a tarball called /stuff.tar.gz that contains all files in the /root/stuff directory. d. Use the cpio utility to back up all files in the /var directory (which contains symbol - ically linked files) to the first rewinding IDE tape device that has a block size of 5KB. e. Perform a full filesystem backup of the /var filesystem using the dump utility and record the event in the /etc/dumpdates file. f. View the contents of the archives created in Exercises 3a, c, d, and e. g. Extract the contents of the archives created in Exercises 3a and c to the /root directory. h. Extract the contents of the arch ives created in Exercises 3d and e to their original locations. Solution A.a. The following command can be used to backup the contents of the /var directory (which contains symbolically linked files) to the second nonrewinding SCSI tape device on the system using the tar utili ...
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