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3 9 Find Zero(s) Write a function that takes X and Y as input Assum

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3.9 Find Zero(s) Write a function that takes X and Y as
input. Assume that Y is a matrix of coefficients from a
system of equations and X is the value of each equation
(i.e. the other side of the equal sign). The coefficients in Y
correspond to decreasing powers of x from left to right (i.e.
the coefficient of x1 would be in the last column). The
function should find roots for each equation near -5, 0 and
5. Display the results to the command window, but make
sure that it is clear what is being displayed. You can
assume the function doesnt have a power higher than x9 .
This general statement becomes more concrete when we
consider how the concept of SA has evolved from a simple
structural representation to a decision-centric viewpoint.3
In this perspective, NFRs serve as selection criteria for
choosing among myriad designs and implementations.4
For instance, we can justify choosing a layered
architectural style in terms of maintainability or portability,
or choosing a particular database technology in terms of
Software architects must continually deal with NFRs as
part of their SA design responsibility. They must know a

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systemfs NFRs and how architectural decisions affect the
NFRsf fulfillment. Here, we present an empirical study that
uncovers relevant practices for software architects dealing
with NFRs during decision making. This study is based on
a two-part survey. First, we analyzed NFRs from an
engineering perspective, specifically in relation to three
requirements-engineering activities: elicitation,
documentation, and validation. Then, we investigated how
NFRs influence architectural decision making.
The Survey
We conducted semistructured interviews regarding a single
software development project in which the respondents
had participated as software architects. Compared to other
qualitative research strategies such as structured
questionnaires, semistructured interviews provide more
flexibility and let us better investigate interesting issues
that appear during conversations. Furthermore,
considering a single project instead of a general
perception of the architectsf rationale lets us better
interpret and assess contextual information.5
The Respondents and Their Organizations
The survey involved 13 respondents at 12 software-
intensive organizations covering a variety of business
areas and application domains (see Table 1). The
organizations comprised three types of business:

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3.9 Find Zero(s) Write a function that takes X and Y as input. Assume that Y is a matrix of coefficients from a system of equations and X is the value of each equation (i.e. the other side of the equal sign). The coefficients in Y correspond to decreasing powers of x from left to right (i.e. the coefficient of x1 would be in the last column). The function should find roots for each equation near -5, 0 and 5. Display the results to the command window, but make sure that it is clear what is being d isplayed. You can assume the function doesn’t have a power higher than x9 . Solution This general statement becomes more concrete when we consider how the concept of SA has evolved from a simple structural representation to a decision -centric viewpoint.3 In this perspective, NFRs serve as selection criteria for choosing among myriad designs and implementations.4 For instance, we can justify ...
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